01/52 - Creativity
02/52 - Self-Confidence
03/52 - Toy Photography is Fun
04/52 - (Un)Fitness, when you feel like you don't belong here
05/52 - (In)Security
06/52 - The Emotion of Winter
07/52 - The Spirituality of the Nordic Wilderness
08/52 - Bravery
09/52 - Going to a toy safari is all about Community!
10/52 - Recognition
11/52 - The feeling of Nostalgia when you look how far you have come
12/52 - Friendship
13/52 - The Passion to create. A passion for music. Or a passion for toys and photography.
14/52 - The Joy of Winter
15/52 - Respect the Wilderness
16/52 - Flexibility of a T-Rap
17/52 - Un(Integrity), when things go wrong and you don't feel whole again
18/52 - Commitment to painting
19/52 - Leg Godt
20/52 - Grace
21/52 - Wealth is to be found at the end of the Rainbow
22/52 - Honesty, sometimes you need to be honest with yourself and admit you suck at painting
23/52 - Dino Surprise
24/52 - The Hope that the sun will come back
25/52 - Eagle in Action
26/52 - Quality Painting
27/52 - The Power of Hiking
28/52 - Longing for the Fair snow
29/52 - The challenge with T-Rap: Balance
30/52 - When nothing works and you feel Anger against yourself
31/52 - The Achievement of catching Nessy
32/50 - Humility, when you suddenly feel so small in comparison to the Universe
33/52 - Wonder of Nature: The Northern Lights, Nordlys, Revontulet, Norrsken, Polarsken, северное сияние, Guovssahasah, Norðurljós, йыӈэттэт, yakąįh, or zheekąįh
34/52 - Self-Growth
35/52 - The In(Humanity) of Aliens, Dragons, Dinosaurs and Gollum
36/52 - Freedom: do what you want 'cause a Pirate is free!
37/52 - Sadness
38/52 - The Sensuality of the Nordic outdoors
39/52 - Faith in your own future
40/52 - Responsibility when the world is falling apart
41/52 - Harmony of the great outdoors
42/52 - Leadership of the Snow Queen
43/52 - Equality in shortness
44/52 - The never-ending quest for Happiness
45/52 - Trust
46/52 - The forbidden secret Love between a Sheep and a Bunny
47/52 - Light as Inspiration
48/52 - When your senses are telling you to stop. When you know it is unreasonable. But your feelings can't be stopped and defy Reason.
49/52 - Compassion of a friend
50/52 - (Un)Intelligence, when you just feel lost like an idiot
51/52 - Fear of the future
52/52 - It's that time of the year to leave the North to go back to South to visit Friends and Family